Werk24 Extracts Information from Scanned Drawings 

Do you ever experience frustration when trying to read the title blocks in your technical drawings? The poor quality of the frames in the scanned drawings can make it challenging to understand crucial information. But don't worry - we have the solution.  

Let's start with what the title blocks generally look like and why we need them. Title blocks provide a variety of information about a drawing, such as the title of the drawing, sheet size, company logo, name, address, etc. Readers need to understand what is written in the title block of technical drawings to avoid time-wasting or inefficient work. When the title blocks cannot be read: the drawing may be misidentified without correct information.    

While each company has its unique style for creating technical drawings, this can lead to various title block formats. Some older or scanned drawings may have low-quality title blocks. The inability to distinguish the title block frames can lead to the problems described above. 


Low Quality or Scanned Drawings 

Old or scanned technical drawings can have low image quality and title block frames may not be distinct as given in the example:

Werk24 extracts information from scanned or low quality technical drawings

This is a common problem when working with technical drawings from multiple companies. But don't let low quality title blocks hold you back! With the right solution, you can say goodbye to the frustration and improve the data quality of your technical drawings.  


How does Werk24 AI Support You? 

The Title Block feature of WERK24 enables automated access to information stored on the title block of a drawing. Plus, Werk24's artificial intelligence identifies and understands the various title block formats and title block frame difficulties. Werk24 helps you avoid wasting time and doing poor quality work by automatically reading technical drawings, even if they are old, or scanned drawings with low-quality title block frames. Werk24 extracts information from scanned drawings for you. If you are interested, you can see the Werk24 documentation for title blocks here. In addition, this capability assists Werk24’s Sheet Anonymization solution, which automatically removes or replaces logos and text from drawings. In a variety of situations, Werk24's AI accelerates business activities and reduces errors. 


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