Werk24: A Game Changer for Automated Data Extraction from Technical Drawings

In the fast-paced world of engineering, speed is the key to success. Werk24's AI technology is designed to automate data extraction from technical drawings, providing seamless and streamlined solutions. Here are some compelling reasons to consider our services: 

Beyond Traditional OCR 

Werk24 uses advanced AI algorithms that understand the structure, content, and meaning of text and graphical elements in technical drawings, including elements placed in multiple orientations. This makes our solutions far superior to traditional OCR technology. Our AI doesn't just recognize characters; it interprets the entire document and extracts data effectively. Moreover, Werk24's AI features Continuous Learning, which allows it to improve its data extraction quality with each drawing processed. Discover more details here


AI Solutions for All Your Needs

Werk24 provides efficient, reliable, and tailored AI solutions for your technical drawing and business needs. Let's dive in: 

Additive Analysis: Identify drawings suitable for 3D-printing, optimizing your manufacturing process. Our partner, DiManex, has accelerated their part identification process and reduced their cycle time by 91% with an 85% automation rate using our solution. 

PMI Extraction: Improve quotation precision by extracting product manufacturing information, streamlining the quotation process. Our partner, Laserhub, has improved CNC-turned parts quotation accuracy by processing thousands of drawings with our PMI Extraction solution. 

Feasibility Analysis: Automatically analyze critical data from CAD drawings and compare them against your internal feasibility criteria, ensuring efficient project execution. Our German Plastic manufacturer partner has reduced the time between the first customer request and the actual order from days to minutes. 

CADApprox: Process PDFs or image technical drawing files (e.g., TIFF) and convert them to DXF files for increased flexibility and compatibility. 


More Than Data Extraction: Introducing Sheet Anonymization 

Werk24 offers another innovative solution: Sheet Anonymization, which goes beyond data extraction. This solution finds and removes sensitive information (e.g., company logos, texts identifying the authoring organization, etc.) from technical drawings, ensuring neutrality. You can even replace third-party logos with your company logo if you provide the SVG format. And there's more to come! Our system automatically reads the file, and if any copyright information is detected, the system highlights it and fills it with gray color. Of course, you need to ensure the necessary permissions are in place. 

Werk24 automatically reads and removes copyright information
Werk24 automatically reads and removes company logo an text information from technical drawings

Breaking Language Barriers and Standardizing Drawings

Our AI goes beyond simple character recognition. It understands the complexity of identifying materials in technical drawings and can automatically extract and verify drawing elements (e.g., material designations) across different languages and standards. We support multiple core languages to streamline your processes, producing consistent outputs in English for universal understanding. You can check which languages we support in detail in our previous blog article

Werk24 understands multiple languages from technical drawings

Extracting Data from Scanned Drawings 

Werk24's Title Block feature enables automated access to information stored in the title block of a drawing, even if the drawings are old or low-quality scans. This allows you to devote the same amount of time to each drawing, regardless of its quality. Experience a new level of speed with AI! Here’s an example of scanned drawings

Werk24 extracts data from Scanned Drawings

In the digital age, leveraging technology is significant for efficiency, accuracy, and competitive advantage. Werk24 stands at the forefront of this revolution, transforming how to extract and interpret data from technical drawings. Our AI-driven solutions are not just about speed; they're about ensuring consistency, overcoming language and standardization barriers, safeguarding sensitive information, etc. With Werk24, you're not just investing in a tool, but a partner dedicated to streamlining your engineering processes. Explore our services today and redefine what's possible in your engineering endeavors: Contact Us


Werk24 Supports Price Calculations for Manufacturing Parts  


Achieving Language Independence in Technical Drawings