Extracting Technical Drawings Data to Excel Sheet

Do you still believe that you can't transfer data from technical drawings to your computer without using engineering file text editors as a product owner? We have good news for you; you can!

Werk24 now supports the conversion of Technical Drawings into Excel Sheets. To understand the extracted information briefly, an excel sheet is the best and most common format in any business. While using an API, a data scientist would prefer the information in “.json” format as it is a more efficient machine-readable format. Even so, it is better to get the information in a simple excel sheet for broad understanding.

Let us see how it would look like when extracting information from a technical drawing in various formats.

This is the drawing that we want to read and extract all the critical information:

Technical Drawing for Extracting Information

Using Werk24’s Artificial Intelligence, we get this “.json” result below, which is difficult to comprehend from Engineers’ perspectives. On the other hand, it works in great harmony with web applications or API.

Extracting Data from Technical Drawing in Engineering Format

Werk24, on the other hand, now gives you with a detailed Excel Sheet that allows you to grasp the entire drawing with just a glance.

Extracting Data from Technical Drawing in an Excel Sheet

Werk24’s artificial intelligence now reads the complex engineering drawings and provides the product owner with a categorized sheet containing all the important elements of the drawing. These categories are including:

  • Material  

  • General Tolerances  

  • Tolerances / Fits  

  • Threads  

  • GD&Ts  

  • Radii  

JSON vs Excel, which one should you chose?

“.json” is a format used while processing the data in Web services and APIs. It can be used with modern programming languages. For a data scientist or analyst, it is one of the most efficient ways of data transmission. For a Product Owner who assigns more value to the Business aspect, the excel sheet has more advantages over the “.json” format. The excel sheet is an easier way to read and convey the information in a second. Excel sheets can be used for demonstrations and presentations. Having this information on an excel sheet would be beneficial to an engineer who works hands-on with the engineering drawings.


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