Service Levels: System Performance Metrics Explained For Use Cases

Starting at € 990 / month

+ Processing fee of €0.85 per page

  • Essential

    Are you processing Technical Drawings in the background, either as batches or as part of an RPA ?

    If the waiting time has little effect on your business case, then pick the Base tier.

    Our infrastructure will process your drawing in the most cost-effective time.

  • Growth

    Are you offering a service to your own employees and delays affect your workflow efficiency?

    If you want fast responses but do not need immediate responses, choose the Business tier.

    We ensure that for 99% cases, your request will be processed within 10 seconds.

  • Premium

    Do you have an online platform and your customers are waiting for your response?

    If delays affect your conversion rate, then the Platform tier is right for you!

    We ensure that in 99% cases, a server will be ready to process your request immediately.

Service Levels Explained


2 Dimensions of Service Levels

  • Responsiveness - how long a request is queued before it is processed

  • Availability - In what percentage of cases, a system is available



Achieving high levels of responsiveness is expensive. For example, in our Premium tier, we ensure that in 99% of cases a server is available immediately when you send a request. This requires a large number of servers running idle, just waiting for your request.

On the other hand, when your use case tolerates less-than-10-second delay (in 99% cases), we can leverage statistical probabilities to reduce the number of our idle servers. This is why the System Performance Metrics depends on your use case.

The statistical probability means that sometimes you might luckily get a response as quickly as a Premium customer, but in most cases, your request will be handled slightly slower.



All our tiers share the same availability (99%). We constantly monitor and share our availability. The live system status below gives you an overview over how we are doing.