Blog Library: Werk24 Stories and Progress

 Always stay up to date with Werk24’s stories and progress. Check our Library below:

Part 3: From Challenges to Opportunities - Real-World Applications and Success Stories with Werk24’s API
Knowledge Explained Maria Anwer Knowledge Explained Maria Anwer

Part 3: From Challenges to Opportunities - Real-World Applications and Success Stories with Werk24’s API

Werk24’s AI-powered technology is transforming the way businesses interact with technical drawings. From streamlining extraction of Meta data, Features and Insights, to automated redaction, there are multiple real-world applications and customer stories showcasing how Werk24 is unlocking new efficiencies and driving success across industries.

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Werk24 Is Now an Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing Member
Industry Perspective Guest User Industry Perspective Guest User

Werk24 Is Now an Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing Member

Werk24 is now working with one of the most important institutions, the Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing (ACAM), to find ways to use digitalization and new technologies to make businesses more sustainable. ACAM is an institute that builds a digitalized industrial ecosystem to study the changing trends and business strategies in the "Additive Manufacturing" industries. Werk24 is now a member of the organization that helps ACAM to innovate Additive Manufacturing on a global scale with its Additive Analysis solution.

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