Extraction of Product Manufacturing Information (PMI)

Thousands of engineers devote millions of hours to extracting Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) from diverse technical designs.  


The reason world engineers want to get PMI is that it matters for digital inspection reporting. What if this can be done within seconds with an accuracy far beyond what humans can achieve? 

Werk24 has developed state-of-the-art technology that extracts the PMI from complicated engineering drawings and provide the Product Owners with a simple sheet that contains all the information they need. One may argue that this can be done using a simple Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Werk24’s technology is far ahead of the OCR, as our technology learns continuously by reading over 100,000 drawings per month. Werk24 provides information in a structured output format, categorizing this information in various sections like:

  • Material 

  • General Tolerances 

  • Tolerances / Fits 

  • Threads 

  • GD&Ts 

  • Radii 

Product Manufacturing Information Extract from Technical Drawings

Quoting Engines that generate prices on 3D models within seconds is great! Imagine how good they would be if they could consider the PMI and automatically detect that a tight tolerance will require a polishing step? Werk24 provides the missing details and makes it possible to quote prices with higher accuracy.


Knowledge Base for Product Owners


Extracting Post Processing Steps from Technical Drawings