Werk24 Explains The Basics of Technical Drawing Language 

Do you need to be an engineer to understand technical drawings? Of course, not! We can teach you our technical drawing language if you want to interpret engineering drawings like an engineer. 


You might be wondering why you might need it. First, let us summarize why do we still need technical drawings

Numerous manufacturing companies continue to generate thousands of drawings per day. In the engineering industry, technical drawings transfer what is required, sought and needed so that resources can be expanded to turn an idea into reality. Knowing Werk24 language of technical drawings may help you understand the context and interpret the processes when the part needs to be manufactured or acquired from a supplier, even if you are not an engineer but work in this industry. 

The good news is that Werk24 explains in detail the basics of technical drawing language.


Quickly Skip the Basics of Drawing Language 

The technical drawings you receive will adhere to a particular framework standard. Here, Werk24 provides some basics in its language for easier comprehension of drawings. 

The provided drawing consists of two parts: (i) The Page comprises the Sheet. Hence, the Sheet and the Page are not the same. (ii)The Sheet has various sections, such as Canvas, Title Block, Sectional Thumbnails, and Notes, which will be detailed later in the article. The Page sample is displayed below: 

Werk24 Explains the Page of Technical Drawing

Canvas Thumbnail 

In the example on the side, the blue lines denote the area where the Canvas Thumbnail has cropped the Sheet to reflect the Canvas's layout. Canvas contains Sectionals and Notes sections inside its borders. 

Werk24 Explains the Canvas Thumbnail of Technical Drawing

Sectional Thumbnail 

Sectionals can be used for drawing; (i) the exterior construction to indicate which material component we have in technical drawing, (ii) the interior structure of a component that cannot be described in exterior views using hidden lines. Here, it is possible to better visualize the object's internal structures with given measurements (e.g., radii, etc.) if one imagines cutting through it and removing a section. Canvas may contain several Sectional thumbnails that describe the component. 

Werk24 Explains the Sectional Thumbnails of Technical Drawing


Notes are included in Canvas, typically at the top of the Title Block, to explain any particular symbols or notes taken by the owner to clarify certain portions of the drawing for the reader. 

Werk24 Explains the Notes of Technical Drawing

Title Block 

Title Block is not counted as being placed in the Canvas, which consists of the information boxes in the lower right corner of a drawing. It contains drawing information such as the title, author name, scale, the owner's logo, and the date the drawing was created. Depending on the owner, more details (such as revision information, issue dates, clients, etc.) may be provided.  If you need to redact information that identifies the drawing’s author to neutralize the drawing, there is also a solution for that too: Werk24 has also a solution named Sheet Anonymization, check the product page to learn more. 

Werk24 Explains the Title Block of Technical Drawing

If you have reached this point, you have a basic yet sufficient understanding of our technical drawing language. Check the blog article page to learn more about technical drawings and Werk24 solutions. 


Werk24 Now Reads Canvas and Sectional Notes


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