Blog Library: Werk24 Stories and Progress

 Always stay up to date with Werk24’s stories and progress. Check our Library below:

Part 3: From Challenges to Opportunities - Real-World Applications and Success Stories with Werk24’s API
Knowledge Explained Maria Anwer Knowledge Explained Maria Anwer

Part 3: From Challenges to Opportunities - Real-World Applications and Success Stories with Werk24’s API

Werk24’s AI-powered technology is transforming the way businesses interact with technical drawings. From streamlining extraction of Meta data, Features and Insights, to automated redaction, there are multiple real-world applications and customer stories showcasing how Werk24 is unlocking new efficiencies and driving success across industries.

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Werk24 Now Reads Revision Table
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Werk24 Now Reads Revision Table

The Revision Table is a crucial aspect of technical drawings that never loses data while providing essential information about a part's revision history, such as change descriptions, dates, and so on. Werk24's Artificial Intelligence can now read the revision table automatically and provide information in seconds, including the most recent revision as well as the text of changes.

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Werk24 Supports Nested Drawings
Feature Release Guest User Feature Release Guest User

Werk24 Supports Nested Drawings

The material information is given twice in Nested Drawings, which are multi-layered technical drawings. In the manufacturing industry, Nested Drawings can lead to process inconsistencies. Werk24's Artificial Intelligence enables for automatic reading and comparison of given data using cutting-edge technology. By reducing misunderstanding, automation of these procedures can considerably boost productivity.

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